File sharing mac os x to windows 10
File sharing mac os x to windows 10

file sharing mac os x to windows 10

If you’re a Classic Mac OS fan, Mac OS 9.2.2 is another good choice. The Take-Away: Mac OS X 10.2.8 is a solid option if you need to connect Macs running System 3.3 through 7.5.2. Macs running System 6 and 7.0-7.5.2 with AppleShare WS 3.5 installed can also connect to ASFS 2.0.1 and higher as well as Personal File Sharing in System 7 through 9.2.2 and OS X 10.1 through 10.2.8. Networking is only possible using LocalTalk, AppleShare WS (for workstation) 1.1 must be installed on the client Macs, and you need to use a LocalTalk Gateway to connect to an Ethernet network, which requires a Mac with both Ethernet and Mac serial ports like those in the photo. NetworkĪfter clicking ok, you’ll see and manage shared folders like we had shared Myinfo with Karar’s public Folder and we can see them here too.Macs running System 3.3 with Finder 5.4 (the Mac 512K and 512Ke) through System 5.1 can connect to AppleShare File Server (ASFS) 2.0.1-4* and Personal File Sharing in System 7 through 9.2.2 as well as to Mac OS X 10.1** through 10.2.8 Jaguar. Share Folderĥ. Ok, now that you’ve shared folders, it’s time to access them from windows, to do that go to the Windows PC, open Network and click on Mac computer and enter the Mac’s credentials and click ok. System PreferencesĤ. Now turn on file sharing from service and click on + icon and select the folder or files you want to share and click Add. To share files and folders between Mac OS and Windows 10, you need to install any software or use third party tools, just follow the article step by step.ģ. Ok, now go to Mac, open System Preferences and click on Sharing. In this article, we will learn how to share files between Mac OS and Windows 10, so lets begin. The way to share files between Mac OS and Windows 10 is similar to sharing files between the same operating system but if a person is not known to one of the OS then, of course, it will be difficult for him to do. Most of the people prefer to do it, but might not have succeeded. Therefore, you’ve to configure or enable file sharing on both operating systems then see or manage share files.

file sharing mac os x to windows 10

In a network where you’ve Windows and Mac OS and want to share files between them is not an easy task.

File sharing mac os x to windows 10