Background song diablo mac miller
Background song diablo mac miller

background song diablo mac miller

The lights then flickered on, and the crowd went wild as they saw Mac Miller in the flesh in front of them. Then the stage went dark, and you could spot a fuzzy black figure on the stage. But the DJ just played on stage, and the crowd kind of just bopped their heads and danced a little. It’s always nice to hear your favorite throwback tunes remixed and thrown together. He had some DJs perform before he took the stage, which was kind of fun. Although I don’t really know much of his work past his hit song “Party on Fifth Ave.,” Mac Miller had plenty of other fans excited about his stop in Milwaukee.

background song diablo mac miller

This Halloweekend the Rave gave us a treat of Mac Miller’s performance. Though their decorations are a start, the Rave does its best celebrating by having live music. Creepy skeletons, ghouls and zombies are hiding around the Rave getting ready for the spooky holiday.

Background song diablo mac miller